Celebritiesvibe.com is powered by Success Africa Media Group Limited, which seeks to give readers balanced and credible entertainment news and more. A credible and strong brand of a well-established news portal aims to establish a close relationship with its readers and advertisers.
Celebritiesvibe.com was founded in 2019 by Mr. Adu-Gyamfi Kumi Robert with a clear vision to create the most influential entertainment media brand in Ghana.
Success Africa Media Group Ltd, the mother company, currently has three subsidiaries. It operates Lifehackhome.com, Ghana’s fastest-growing lifestyle blog, and Successafrica.info that is gradually gaining ground as one of the fastest-growing education niche blogs in the country.
Our mission is to spread ideas.
Our vision is to be the most influential entertainment media brand in Ghana and abroad.
Truth and Accuracy
We are:
The communities we serve are at the heart of all we do.
We are honest and open, share information and acknowledge mistakes and make amends immediately.
We are innovative, adaptable, and creative, making lasting improvements to people’s lives.
We respect everyone we work with: our audiences, partners, and colleagues. Not only that, but we seek to understand the context and to encourage diversity.
We support, challenge, and value our colleagues and partners, learning from each other. We involve communities in designing and delivering our work.
Furthermore, we impact by combining research, expertise, and innovation to find appropriate and lasting solutions.
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